venus sextile jupiter transit

On this note, youll also be doing great on the social side of life. It is well past by Jupiter sextile Sun transit on October 30 which lasts a few weeks to cover the start of the new job. They are ideal times for a rest or to take a few days of vacation. Friends and colleagues at work will surely benefit from your charismatic and compassionate aura and will feel at ease around you. There will be a need for much more trust and counseling hidden from others, but at the same time, that trust will help humans position themselves in the best possible way towards a problem or a person in their public life. Transiting Venus trine or sextile your natal Jupiter. Venus trine Jupiter transit brings good cheer, optimism, and love. But even after that, the September 1 solar eclipse on your Moon is not too bad. to higher institutions. Your email address will not be published. Major Transits are the Outer and slower moving Planets; Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. These individuals might encounter difficulties due to their inability to stop themselves from enjoying the pleasures of life. Their strong spirituality also provides them with inspiration that makes them prone toward art. If had a brief look (Ive only checked my last ex boyfriends chart so far). Conjunction Venus in Pisces, Jupiter in Pisces (me). Im not over the top attractive, my Suns on Arcturus. For example, for example, in the lives of the people who have this position, they can exaggerate in life in numerous things. Right now I have transit Venus conjunct natal Jupiter, square natal sun and transit sun trine natal sun. You may notice that your popularity rises and that money and success seems to come more easily to you. Compassion, recognition and love are of great importance and seeing as how youll be experiencing plenty of those, youll be having no problems during this time. I find myself approaching a relationship with a woman, these being the prominent aspects, Mars in Virgo (me) opposed to Venus in Pisces. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. During the transit of this position, it is a known fact that there can be alterations in the behaviors of people, and there will be a visible difference in peoples behaviors, not just in your immediate surroundings but more. Find and learn exactly what behavior should be hidden, and for yourself only, how to act and what emotions to show in front of the public eye. While they rarely offer help out of their initiative, if need truly be, they waste no time in providing aid. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. If you make purchases, you may buy items that you do not really need, or that are too expensive. Ive just briefly looked at your chart Jupiters going to be conjunct your MC in a couple of months! And on the other hand how Uranus retrograde in transit at 24 degrees and conjunct natal midheaven 22.12 would play with this aspect? The solution is a care home that also works as a gate between combative family members. Yet you are also very generous and may not have the strong desire and determination to make the rich list. You feel more affectionate, and any inhibition bothers you. May 23, 2024 Ill do some reading up on the those aspects! I think the Leo quality of loyalty was too strong and was overriding what was actually taking place in this friendship. These can make you quite lazy since you feel good and you do not feel any urgency to be productive like at other times. You now have greater understanding and tolerance with others than you normally do. What is your birth data? You need excitement and you surround yourself with pleasures, so you must maintain self-control and moderation. 21 May 2016 You are able to express harmony and have a presence that has a great impact on your social environment. Adventuring out into the world isnt out of the question. is not : ). In one-to-one situations, you should notice more interest, especially from your partner or potential partners. Thanks, I might purchase it at some point in the future, just to use on my chart like a diary. You should feel warm and happy inside and will want to share the good feelings. Three times now. If you cant be kind or helpful, I am not interested. However, this can go out of hand and they end up not taking things as seriously as they should, which can, in turn, cause quite a few problems in the romance department. You are at your most attractive and charming, so it is a great time to be dating. This transit can signify the beginning of an important love relationship, and it has a huge impact on how you feel about yourself. Jennifer Jason Leigh 001, Sbastien Grosjean 003, Halsey 005, Tom Waits 006, Julie Newmar 007, Kenneth Williams 010, Henry Winkler 013, Erin Sullivan 014, Michael Hutchence 017, Trent Reznor 037, Jane Birkin 047, Agnetha Fltskog 048, Eric Burdon 048, Patty Duke 049, Philip II of Spain 049, Jerry Lewis 050, John Belushi 053, Matthew McConaughey 055, Roman Polanski 058, Bernard Boursicot 059, Barry Gibb 059, Rita Wilson 101, RuPaul 101, Steven Spielberg 101, Uri Geller 131, Lee Majors 137, Ritchie Valens 138, Jeff Bridges 140, Liz Greene 145, Stephen Fry 146, Garth Brooks 159. Jupiter Transits your Natal Venus. August 12, 2025 You appreciate fine and beautiful things. This is not to say that a relationship will not start under other conditions such as transit to DC, Moon or Venus. What happened when Pluto went over your ascendant? Its all in the way you carry yourself and the charisma and serenity you exude. Its not so much that youll have to force yourself to ignore the negativity thats happening around, its just that the good things will intensely outweigh the bad things without you having to do anything. anything to/from venus activates my abandonment/abuse trauma. But through your involvement in the creative process, you will also be able to gain a greater understanding of the meaning and purpose youve been developing in your life. During these times, you need a lot of social interaction and to enjoy life. This is to be an experience, a lesson to be remembered so that you can see and appreciate the world for its vastness and its beauty. You certainly do not have Venus sextile Saturn with an orb of over 8 degrees. Relationships are most important to you because you need companionship and romance. Everything will be under the cover of very positive energy that will refresh us in this next period. The tendency to waste economic resources and to be extravagant is one of the dangers, or to take for granted money that is not yet in your hand. Neighbors may be more friendly to you now. I also have natal venus sextile natal saturn but I must say that in the last 4 years income has not been stable at all could it be due to neptune in transit opposite my second house? Venus trine Jupiter is a much-awaited transit because it brings joy, positivity and a lot of love. Reveal here what it means, both in synastry and when it comes to the personality of the person who has this precise aspect in its natal chart. They are in such a connection that they help each other to find out exactly how and how much to let that other person come inside. That is something to be proud of. But, caution is necessary here-this is only plausible if neither Venus nor Jupiter make bad aspects with the natal planets. So your venus is also 4 Leo, so anything happening now? Your inner harmony, warmth, and friendliness are so attractive. Would be interesting to look back at partners to see if they had anything there in synastry. In astrology, the sextile aspect is responsible with opportunities and rewards people for their efforts, being a harmonious and mostly positive placement. Avoid excessive pleasures, drinks, meals and unnecessary financial expenses. You should have a good sense of rhythm with a talent for music and acting. Jupiter Square Neptune Transit Personally, ideologically, or religiously, you want to demonstrate the strength of your convictions in action. While they enjoy the carefree lifestyle, they can also engage in matters of more seriousness, such as teaching others, reading up on the great philosophers of the world or even immersing themselves in law or writing. Socializing is favored because of your increased popularity, charisma, and charm. Yes, and try to work out what influence that had on the relationship. This period will bless you with gifts in the social and bonding aspects of your life. You are friendlier and more charming than usual. I have mixed feelings here,i found myself often having a blessing in disguisebut that is just me telling me everything is still good. But when Pluto squared my Mars I started standing upto a lifetime of abuse by her, realising love is NOT abuse. I have a natal Stellium and a Yod that wreak so much havoc that even the Venus-Jupiter conjunction gift is often dimmed. Thanks again, great site btw, regards Dan. Also, while the aspect lasts, many of us will be more interested in art, fashion, cosmetics, and nutrition. These aspects boost pleasure levels between a couple. Therefore, these are times when you tend to attract people to you, and you feel more open and expansive. This transit helps generate positive growth in your relationships, be they romantic or otherwise. Financially, you can make beneficial investments, or opportunities can arise that will provide long-term benefits. This also marks a great time to enjoy festivities in a crowd (or anything that leaves you relaxed yet stimulated), no matter the time of year. You can invest money in things that are worthwhile to brighten up your life, or give you more beauty. Investments should turn a profit, especially in works of art, jewelry, and other luxury items. Additionally, for all those who are looking for a job, this sextile can bring a better job, and those who are already employed could get either a bonus salary or a promotion. You find life to be more pleasurable, and try to have more fun. Is a Venus at 16 Aquarius conjunct Jupiter at 24 too wide? Me too. I dont stay in contact with any of my exs. Awful, awful in every way. My friend and I, we are using the timing of the conjunction to remedy the high concentration of the two metals in the well water. Yummy! What would I be looking at with an ex partner? Lucky you! I have Venus square Saturn, so I think that I do have a problem with meeting controlling/restricting men. Manganese (Jupiter) and Copper (Venus) have showed up in higher concentrations in the well water this Autumn. It is is your solar return chart so this optimism and good fortune should stay with you for a whole year. Lets hope so Ofelia. Also, extra attention should be paid to avoid any exaggeration or excessive anticipation that will arise in many of us. When Jupiter conjuncts, sextiles, or trines your natal Venus, your love nature is stimulated. You are lucky to have the Mercury Venus Jupiter conjunction on your birthday. In this connection between two people, we can see positivity and goodness. Like a rescue vehicle or ambulances on their way to the hospital.You hear them from your house, the whistle pervades the boundaries of knowing and not knowing. They are favorable for almost everything, for having fun or sharing with friends, and for any business or financial issues. or would I still be able to mitigate it due to the other aspect or would the yod focusing on Venus make it worse? This condition will predict love, money, peace and harmony. Any legal matters you may have in the works bring good results now. You are a brave person. If lord of the 7th, this is a good time for a marriage proposal if so inclined. People who have Venus in sextile with Jupiter, are able to study the situation or person in a very interesting (maybe not very reasonable to the majority of us) way and give an honest opinion. Hi Jamie, Once again this conjunction makes an aspect with my natal Saturn at 27.02. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Their work is usually partially connected to the process of investigation, and they love implementing some changes in the fields of medicine and science, which will visibly change their attitude towards life and its further organization. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. All the arts and creative fields would offer a promising career, and many singers have this aspect. The Jupiter Saturn conjunction will oppose my natal Venus this year. Jupiter Conjunct Saturn Natal and Transit: Great Opportunities, Venus Trine Uranus Natal and Transit: Spiritual Awakening, Moon Square Jupiter Natal and Transit: Bringing Justice Wherever Needed, Sun Conjunct Mars Natal and Transit: Responding to Challenges, Mars Conjunct Pluto Natal and Transit: Overcoming Difficulties, Moon Trine Jupiter Natal and Transit: Doing Your Best Socially, Mars Trine Pluto Natal and Transit: Becoming Stronger, Mars Conjunct Uranus Natal and Transit: Social Interactions.

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venus sextile jupiter transit