list of bahun caste in nepal

598. occupational names as (Adhikari, Bhandari, Karki, Thapa). They are the second largest Hindu group with a population of 3,212,704 (99.6% out of 100%). Village political life tends to follow its own dynamic, regardless of changes in the national political scene. 175. Gole > Tamang Rumkhami > Magar > Gharti 329. 308. 561. xb```9, (1U ,0sTX00,Q`tjfaRU#.jz6[Q)nNMtLgvMi4pa3a6Umh :z*KLX| Chapagain > Bahun > Atreya (Jaisi) 579. 233. 498. Identification. 345. 427. 713. Katawal/Katwal/Katuwal > Khas-Chhetri Phewali > Magar > Thapa 4. 546. 613. This helped to grow resentment and foster ill will towards this particular caste which was supposed to use their education and skills to help the needed persons but instead was using it to exploit others through the means of the caste system and political machinations. Nepalese boys may have their middle names like Prasad, Bahadur, Maan, Kumar, Ratna, Mani, etc. Putwar > Newar > Duhim They also handle all the rituals performed during marriage. They attained the knowledge of the divine world through the Sanskrit Scriptures, either from the Veda or from the lores that came around from history. Educatuonal purpose only, not to be taken out of context. Brahmans and Chhetris are found throughout Nepal. Sharma > Tarai-Brahman Gaudel > Bahun These values were seen as a potent instrument of Rana political repression. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. Chamlinge > Rai 600. 208. Chyamkhal > Newar-Dalit > Chyame Brahmanism is under deep scrutiny. Kathayat > Khas-Chhetri protector the world), A Rishi (protector of Vedas), A cowherd (protector of the Cows). Chataut > Bahun > (Kumai) 590. All the Gotra-pravartaka Rishis are categorized under seven primary Rishis. 328. 16. 130. Deola > Newar-Dalit > Pore Regmi > Bahun > Kaushik (Purbiya, Kumai) 418. 293. 536. 535. Lohani > Bahun > Bharadwaj (Kumai) p. 6. 406. There are several varied naming conventions in Nepal. Marik > Tarai-Dalit > Dom Swansabu > Limbu 608. Pun > Magar 57. 319. 445. Dharikar/Dhankar > Tarai-Dalit Ravanrajghariya > Tharu Pujari > Newar-Dalit > Pode Ranabhat > Khas-Chhetri 514. 2017-18 even though 45% of governmental seats are reserved for women, Madhesis, other castes, and Tibetan tribes, people with disability and those from the backward regions. Bantava > Rai Chamlagain > Bahun Mother and child are considered polluting until the eleventh day after birth, when a purifying ceremony is conducted and the baby is given a name. 0000002915 00000 n Subedi, Madhusudan. If a joint family is dissolved before the senior parents die, a woman is entitled to a share of her husband's property. 419. Kumar Chauhan > Tarai-Hindu > Rajput =?gvK^O4}fXcUY3'Eu-_c7`-@C\AP-@d3)u00)[40% f@qZGP"aT2 521. According to 1854 Muluki Ain (Nepalese Legal Code), Bahuns were regarded as caste among sacred thread bearers and twice-born Hindus. Tepe > Newar-Dalit > Tepe Bahuns mainly served as priests, teachers and astrologers as per their caste. Himalayan Review 4:43-60. Early marriage characterizes this ethnic group. 696. 555. Bhandari > Khas-Chhetri With the exception of Thakuris, the self-proclaimed aristocrats among the Chhetris who practice matrilateral cross-cousin marriage, cousin marriage is not practiced. Chunanra > Dalit > Bishwokarma They perform most of the child care, preparation and cooking of food, and weeding and tending of crops. Bachhgoti Chauhan > Tarai-Hindu > Rajput GOTRA can be used as a surname, but it is different from a surname and is strictly maintained because of its importance in marriages among Hindus, especially among the higher castes. Kasain > Newar-Dalit > Nay "Nepal: Deadly caste-based attacks spur outcry over social discrimination | DW | 16.06.2020", "Birenda, 55, Ruler of Nepal's Hindu Kingdom". All first cousins are addressed by sibling terms. To find your choice, press Control+F and type the surname to see which caste/community/ethnic group and sub-caste/clan it falls under. ", "History of Dalit movements in Nepal: Much has been achieved, but discrimination still exists". 369. Chobeguhang > Limbu Moreover, middle names are not necessary to add. Terai Brahmins bears surnames as Jha, Mishra, Pandit, Tiwari. 214. It does has its importance with the origin and the base that they came from. Parajuli > Bahun > Kaudinya (Purbiya) 297. Thebe > Limbu 218. 361. This group presents a complicated social structure that not only reflects the model of four Hindu varna categories and the unclean castes outside of it, but it is also clearly divided among the upper and lower Buddhist castes. 624. Sayyid > Muslim 677. Rana > Tharu The third is moksha (salvation)release from the round of rebirths that reincarnation involves. Awasthi > Bahun The social structure of caste-origin Hill Hindu or Khas groups is simple compared to the other two societies, reflecting only three groups in hierarchy, with the distinct absence of the Vaishya and Shudra varnas. Brachey > Sunuwar Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Location. 706. The majority of the Chhetri (99%) belong to the Hindu religious group while the remaining minority is Buddhists. 443. 6. 286. 37. Khatri Chhetri/K.C. Jijicha > Sunuwar In 1854, early in the period of Rana rule, a National Legal Code (Muluki Ain) was proclaimed that laid out detailed codes for inter-caste behavior and specified punishments for their infringement.[11]. 366. 529. For one year a monthly shraddha ceremony is performed. Much of the previously animist/tribal Khas population of the western Nepal region acquired the 'Chhetri' status in the 1850s with the proclamation by the Rana Prime Minister Jung Bahadur Rana, making Chhetris the most populous caste/tribe of Nepal. 341. Even though these 3 words mean the same thing (, , ) due to popular usage (this is called in Sanskrit Tupa > Tamang Sabrey > Magar > Pun Thavo > Jirel Bhatta > Tarai-Brahman Khang > Tarai-Dalit > Khatwe Kadayat > Khas-Chhetri Damrang > Tamang 492. Some traditions and customs are found to be different among them from the other part of the country. Maske/Maskey > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya The restructuring also yielded power to newly formed Malla aristocracy of the Chathariya Shrestha who formed the new powerful aristocratic caste of the Malla kingdom. There are different kinds of Khas people. 405. 623. 714. 631. 127. 691. Haluwai/Halwai > Tarai-Hindu So stereotyping with the practice of just the rituals as the priest cannot be said for this race. Those conflicts that cannot be settled through informal means at the village level are referred to the legal and judicial system of Nepal. 704. 68. 247. Sinjapati > Magar > Thapa Thapa > Khas-Chhetri 151. The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal is one of the countries forming the South Asian region. Karmacharyas and Joshis were all-together stripped off their Brahmin status by these new and arguably more well-read Brahmins, and assimilated them in the Kshatriya/Chathariya. 503. 554. Garbhar > Tarai-Hindu > Rajput 381. Tamchhange > Rai ." In many cases people get confused in Caste and Gotra. 97. 331. 282. 385. Gautam > Bahun > Atreya (Purbiya) Many Khas surnames includes suffix as -wal, -al as in Katwal, Silwal, Dulal, Khanal, Khulal, Rijal. 557. 209. 404. Majhaura > Tharu Sawad/Saund/Saud > Khas-Chhetri 0000000016 00000 n Jhainti > Sunuwar Mulicha > Sunuwar Working-class persons in urban areas who must make a living by selling their labour power. Upadhyaya/Upadhyay > Bahun > (Purbiya), (Kumai) 438. 468. Mallah > Tarai-Hindu Balam > Tamang The day-to-day agropastoral activities of Brahman and Chhetri families are shared between men and women. 482. Here is the most comprehensive list of Nepali surnames and titles of various ethnic groups of Nepal. Sherpa > Sherpa Basti > Bahun > Atreya (Purbiya) xref Have been searching for some time but cant find anything. 300. Ghimire/Ghimirya > Bahun > Kashyap (Purbiya) Satihangma > Limbu 277. 77. [1][12] Gorkha king of the Chaubisi principality, Ram Shah (1609-1636) is noted to have introduced some rules and regulations about relations between different groups of people in the Gorkha kingdom too. 615. Kathmandu has the largest population with 410,126 people (23.5%). Phengdi > Magar > Ale Lamichhane > Bahun > Kaushik, Garga (Purbiya) 478. Mahato > Tharu Brahmans and Chhetris are often landowners. But overall, they and their surnames have the same background as any other Brahmins. [13], The case of Newr is exceptional. 260. Hemjliya > Tharu Paper presented at National Dialogue Conference on ILO Convention 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples, Kathmandu, 1920 January 2005. Barman/Varman > Newar-Kshatriya 610. 47. There is about 12.2 percent of Brahmins in Nepal. Madikami > Newar Uray / Udhas Simkhara > Bahun > Bharadwaj (Kumai) For now let's just take a look at the castes and their sub-castes (surnames) in hopes that someday, we will all be one single flower with many variants. Bahuns or hill brahmins originated from the Indo-Aryan Khasa tribe of Nepal and South Asia. Kadel > Bahun > Bharadwaj (Kumai) Its an understanding to say that Nepali Brahmin Surnames have been divided as the caste system among themselves. However, since the unification of Nepal in the 18th century, Nepal's various non-Hindu ethnic nationalities and tribes, previously called "Matwalis" (alcohol-drinkers) and now termed as "Adivasi/Janajati" (indigenous/nationalities), have been incorporated within the caste hierarchy to varying degrees of success. 459. 236. of a recention of a particular Veda Shaakaa). Terai and Newar Brahmins and Kshatriyas were officially placed below their Khas equivalents. 203. Dholi > Dalit > Pariyar Their origins are from the of Himalayan belt of South Asia. Pasi > Tarai-Dalit Budhatoki > Khas-Chhetri 487. Mahat > Khas-Chhetri Slowly as time transitioned they have been divided into subgroups with their task and workmanship. 710. Khas > Tharu 545. 25. 697. The entire wedding ceremony lasts a full day, from the time the members of the groom's party arrive at the bride's home till they leave the next day with the bride. 46, No. Gharti/Gharti > Khas-Chhetri 565. Tatma/Tatwa > Tarai-Dalit > Tatma 415. 240. 649. 44. Bagyal > Bahun Ale > Magar 682. The tribal designation of Khas is given in only a few contexts. 496. Sainju > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya [2], According to 1854 Muluki Ain (Nepalese Legal Code), Bahuns were regarded as caste among sacred thread bearers (Tagadhari) and twice-born Hindus. Surname > Caste/Community/Ethnicity > Clan/Sub-caste/Gotra 454. 154. 680. 566. Brahmans and Chhetris are members of two kinds of clans, the thar (indicated as a surname) and the gotra; the former is exogamous if a relation can be traced, but the latter is strictly exogamous. 160. Sarbhang/Sarbariya > Tarai-Hindu Both sexes work in the fields, but overall women spend more hours per day in agricultural and domestic labor than men. Among all the other types, these lines of brahmins are those who havent been associated in marriage with any other than Upadhyaya Brahmins. 216. Literally, Sanskrit world Brahman () means the ultimate reality which does . (Census, 2001), In recent times, following the overthrow of the Nepali monarchy and move towards a federal republic, ethnicity and caste have taken center stage the indigenous peoples (Adivasi Janajati) who make up a third of the country having been guaranteed rights that have not yet been fulfilled. Dalits and Labour in Nepal: Discrimination and Forced Labour. Large-scale absentee landlordism is not common in the hills of Nepal. Onta > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya 193. Paswan > Tarai-Dalit > Dushadh Chhetri: The Most Populous Caste of Nepal, Ethnicity in Nepal: A Complex Diversity in Making, Online SMS SEE [space] [Symbol_Number] to 1600 SEE [space] [Symbol_Number] to 35001 IVRS, Newar are the historical inhabitants of the Kathmandu Valley and its surrounding areas in Nepal, Sohra Shraddha is a 16-day period in the Hindu calendar when people pay homage to. Garmeba > Tamang The ethnic group is subdivided into septs (clans), sub-septs, and gotras. Kadariya > Bahun According to the 2011 Nepal census, Bahuns are the second most populous group after Chhetri with 12.2% of Nepals population (or 32,26,903 people). Chik > Muslim Khyargoli > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya The newly married couple ideally, and usually, live with the groom's family, along with his parents, brothers and their wives (if any), and unmarried sisters. 0 288. 428. Dalits, one Brahmins were believed to have been wise and powerful with their knowledge. Sotange > Rai 338. Amgai/Amgain > Bahun Newar lowest occupational castes Dom, Podhya, Chyamaha/Chandala, etc. Fields are often terraced and mostly have been fractionated into small plots through inheritance over generations. 650. Dhungana > Bahun > Kaushik (Purbiya) 643. Darji/Darjee > Dalit > Pariyar 162. Orientation 471. In many cases people get confused in Casteand Gotra. The Surnames are the same as Upadhyaya as Jaisi Brahmin. Rautar > Tharu Brahmans and Chhetris speak the national language, Nepali, as their mother tongue. 639. Brahmin/Bahun: Adhikari. The Nepalese caste system was the traditional system of social stratification of Nepal. [5], The ancient tribes living around the northern territory of modern Nepal seem to have been less influenced by the fourfold Varna system of Hinduism. Nepal is a multi-ethnic country with Nepali being the official language. Bhusal > Magar > Rana BASISTHA (): Suyal (garthi), Raut, Bhattarai, Suyal (Thapa), Dwadi, Thangsine, Bhandari, Kharel, Chalise, Mudabhari, Gaire, Kharel, Thansinge Bhandari, Paneru (some Kaudinya gotra). Karn > Tarai-Hindu > Kayastha Kawar > Khas-Chhetri Biswas > Tharu As per the Public Service Commission, Brahmins (33.3%) and Chhetris (20.01%) were two largest caste groups to obtain governmental jobs in F.Y. 7188, This page was last edited on 25 March 2023, at 02:39. ) The word [ / (protects) ], can also be used for all the 3 meanings. 449. 0000025509 00000 n 307. 702. Zimba > Tamang Budhaer/Budhair > Khas-Chhetri Lingden > Limbu Upadhyaya > Tarai-Brahman Encyclopedias almanacs transcripts and maps. 58. Subsistence and Commercial Activities. 444. Vedas and Brahmin give this ethnic group their major identity. 441. 362. Bahun (Khas Brahmin) (Nepali: ) are group of people belonging to Brahmin caste in Khas group, an Indo-Aryan ethno-linguistic group. 34. 321. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. Joshi > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya "An Additional Perspective on the Nepali Caste System." 475. Raghubansi > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya Brahmans are known in Nepali as "Bahuns." Chand > Thakuri 553. Birkatta > Magar > Thapa Although caste or tribe based hierarchy has been a hallmark for all ethnicities of Nepal, only three societies traditionally were part of the four Varna concept of social division and hierarchy. Except for what a daughter may receive as dowry, all property, particularly all landed property, is inherited by sons. Musahar > Tarai-Dalit Patrabansh > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya Even if death occurs elsewhere, within hours the corpse is cremated beside the river, into which the ashes are finally cast. 63. Terai Rajput and other Kshatriya groups bears the surnames Chauhan, Singh, Rajput, Verma, Pal. 75. Rupihang > Limbu 515. 506. 226. Lawati > Limbu 223. Some community and region-based Brahmins have been mentioned below. Sapkota > Bahun > Kaudinya (Purbiya) Most notable contradiction is the inclusion of previously non-Hindu tribes "Adivasi Janajati" groups, as well as non-Nepalis including Muslims and Europeans into the hierarchical fold. Kalyal > Thakuri Brahmans also act as family priests, and Chhetris serve in both the Nepalese army and the Gorkha (Gurka) brigades of the British and Indian armies. 265. Many ritual offerings and animal sacrifices are made at this time, and there is much feasting and visiting among immediate family and extended kin. one, the Rishi (Atreya, Kaundinya, etc.) Wagle > Bahun > Bharadwaj (Purbiya) Medicine. 335. 678. 156. Lo > Tamang Ojhatanchhe > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya Acharya > Newar-Brahman > Rajopadhyaya Devabhaju Brahman 3. The majority of Bahun are Hindu, with a significant number of others being Buddhists. 619. Baijali > Magar > Gharti Bastola > Bahun > Garga (Purbiya) Gwala > Tarai-Hindu Roka/Rokaya/Rokka > Khas-Chhetri Bidari > Bahun Mishra > Tarai-Brahman Shrestha > Newar-Kshatriya > Chathariya Shrestha/Sheshya 672. 271. Upper-caste Newars remain the most over-represented community in terms of socio-political access. Badahi > Tarai-Hindu Linguistically and culturally related to the Tamiland Malayalam-speaking p, ETHNONYM: Panjabi 273. Timilsina/Timalsina > Bahun > Mandabya (Purbiya) At Present, these Hill Nepali Brahmins Surnames are found in different places, but the fact-based evidence upon their history suggests that they have resided in this territory since the days of their forefathers. Khakurel > Bahun > (Kumai) 690. 324. Kanga > Limbu Tiwari > Bahun > Kaushik Purbiya, (Kumai) 659. Bhihar > Tarai-Hindu It was an attempt to include the entire Hindu as well as non-Hindu population of Nepal of that time into a single hierarchic civic code from the perspective of the Khas rulers. Sardar > Tharu 511. If these major three communities (upper-caste Khas (Bahun & Chhetri) and upper-caste Newars (Shresthas) or the 'BCN' combine their shares in the Government of Nepal, civil service employment is . Paudel/Paudyal/Poudyal > Bahun > Atreya > (Purbiya) Sharma > Newar-Brahman > Rajopadhyaya Devabhaju Brahman Newari brahmins are those brahmins belonging to the Newari Ethnic Group. Solriya > Tharu 389. 456. 267. Pariyar > Dalit > Pariyar [1][12], Hierarchies of Major Caste/Ethnic Groups in Nepal according to Muluki Ain:[17][18], Terai Brahmin (referred in the code as Indian/Desi Brahmin) (no mention of Terai Kshatriya groups), Gurkha clans - Gurung, Magar, Kirat (Rai and Limbu). 246. 306. 310. 621. "Unity and Diversity in the Chhetri Caste of Nepal." In Caste and Kin in Nepal, India, and Ceylon, 11-67. 2. Bhat > Muslim The first feeding of rice, called pasni, is given after 5 months for a girl and 7 months for a boy. 580. Rupakheti > Bahun > Batsa (Purbiya) Chitauniya > Tharu Mardaniyan > Tharu Each name has its own significance and meaning. MOPE (2002). Moktan > Tamang 453. Samahang > Limbu Dev > Newar-Brahman > Rajopadhyaya Devabhaju Brahman 705. 35. 386. According to the 2011 Nepal census, Bahun is the second most populous group after Chhetri.. 163. A caste system prevails, with the Brahmans and Chhetris occupying a very high position in it. Learn to recognize name variations and see clues in names. 279. 120. 520. For Hindu Nepalis, children are named on the 11th day after they are born during a ceremony called. Danya > Newar > Jogi 266. Orientation 284. Ram > Tarai-Dalit > Chamar Od > Dalit > Bishwokarma 455. 303. Khas Brahmins come next with an average income of Rs. Pethegimbang > Limbu At her first menstruation a girl is removed to another house, where she is shielded from the sight of any men in her family and from the sun. Rajput > Tarai-Hindu > Rajput Bogati > Khas-Chhetri Its translated as Brahmin in English. Since brahmins had always been respected class people, they were adored by the Ranas as well as the Kings, thus this helped them to take their position in a respectable way. 614. Bhagat > Tharu 270. Some are still the priest that they originally were and some have deviated towards other work skills. 674. Shamsher/Shumsher > Khas-Chhetri Upreti/Uprety > Bahun > Maudgalya (Kumai) Pal/Paal > Thakuri 96. In ancient times they were the only teachers who would guide and make the knowledge accessible to the people from the races of kings to commoners. 231. Rewali > Magar Most of the common bahun surnames like dahal, khanal, bhattarai, koirala, subedi, ghimire etc fall on this category. 711. 141. 296. Khan > Muslim Ngarpa > Tamang Among those 73.8% in higher education belong to the BCN, 22.0% Janajatis and 2.9% Dalit.[21]. 339. 119. Encyclopedia of World Cultures. 523. as ) the word is used chiefly for Krishna (protector of the world) is used chiefly for a Rishi ( Rukain > Bahun Mandaen > Tamang 500. Village affairs tend to be managed by formal or informal councils of village elders in which Brahmans and Chhetris, by virtue of their status as landholders and their relatively higher education, often play prominent roles. 66 comments. 349. Samal > Thakuri Nepali surnames are divided into three origins: toponyms as Ghimire, Dahal, Pokharel, Sapkota from respective villages. Nepali people have broad facial festures. Arjal. Pelmange > Rai The houses of those living in towns, such as Kathmandu, the capital, are larger and are made of brick and cement. Bantr > Tharu Dong > Tamang 347. 387. Badi > Dalit > Badi The population of Newars (all castes) is around 5%, but its occupancy in the civil service is more than one-third (33.2%), although vast majority of this share comes from the minority upper-caste segments of the Chathariya and Panchthariya Shrestha Newars. Chauden > Tamang Kalwar > Tarai-Hindu Thamsuhang > Limbu Malla > Thakuri 22. Tamrakar > Newar > Uray/Udhas Thakurathi > Khas-Chhetri [9] Jayasthiti Malla's restructuring also converted celibate Buddhist monks to householder status and inside the hierarchic fold for the first time to form the caste of Vajracharya and Shakya. 584. Jha > Tarai-Brahman > Kashyap 654. "Brahman and Chhetri of Nepal Gomden > Tamang Shakya > Newar-Buddhist > Bare 11. 100. 204. Bhattachan > Thakali 101. They have become major decision makers in the bureaucracy of Nepal has become crystal clear. Both the Khas and the progeny of unions of Brahman men and Khas women, called Khatri, were granted the status of Chhetri. In 1963, a law (New Muluki Ain-1963) was passed making it illegal to discriminate against other castes led all castes to be equally treated by the law.

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list of bahun caste in nepal