end of module 4 test quizlet

C. classify each word in long-term memory Look through highfashion magazines for a style that is not worn by most people. 4.8 hour = 4.8 1 hr c. Compute the ratio of income tax expense divided by income before taxes, a ratio called the effective tax rate. T/F Each recursive invocation returns its value and the addition is printed on the console, which is 6. the execution of the fun function begins, which receives. B. NAEP What is the output of the following snippet? Sales, marketing and manufacturing are all types of software typically used by a(n) _____________. D. the ability to process multiple stimuli, According to the text, children who are home-schooled may struggle in which of the following areas? Research has shown that children with higher IQ scores tend to come from homes that contain age-related play materials. Fill in the chart by writing an equivalent expression. B. if achievement declines, the national economy advances d. ascending, To turn gridlines off or on , you should click on the View Gridlines button in the _____ group on the Table Tools Layout tab. a. data \(\frac{3}{4}\) \(\frac{1}{3}\) Finally, all of the children were asked to design four experiments. There is no strong evidence that TV watching by itself has negative effects on children. B. A. if achievement rises, the national economy declines B. compound words What is the output of the following snippet? A. automatization b. the table is selected Select on row and click Insert Above or Insert Below button. In this question dividing by 2 is the same as taking 1/2 of something, which means multiplying. T/F: The part of the memory-processing system in which current, conscious mental activity occurs is known as long-term memory. B. an ESL program Explanation: T/F: A body of knowledge in a particular area that makes it easier to master new information in that area is referred to as knowledge foundation. The sounds produced by the teacher are first stored in Jill's _____. = ( 10.32) + (0.50.32) Billy is currently reading this year's statistics for some of his favorite players. 400, Explanation: What is the output of the following code? B. preoperational The 9-year-old can apply abstract thought to the classification process whereas the 4-year-old is unable to do so What entry is required by the partnership if the sales price is (b) $80,000? \(\frac{3}{4}\) \(\frac{3}{5}\) = \(\frac{9}{20}\), Explanation: (102.4 10) / (3.2 10) C. media exposure \text{Income Tax Expense}&(3,441)&(4,045)\\ What is the output of the following snippet? C. religious 1/2 3/4 gallon = 3/8 gallon C. thinking about thinking C. metacognitive A school funded by tuition charges, endowments, and often religious or other nonprofit sponsors is a_____ school. a. border d. table. D. Common Core standards, When capable of concrete operational thought, children _____. = 288.0 min C. already understand all they need to know about math by 3 years of age 15 32 = 480, Explanation: After she distributed all of the honey equally there will be 2 1/9 gallons of honey in each Jar. D. conserve the list of words in long-term memory, Child Development Chapter 12 - Cognitive Deve, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson, Chapter 5 complementary and alternative thera. A built-in function is a function which: 4. Which of the following statements are true? C. impacted by a. Question 5. If I take \(\frac{1}{4}\), and I multiply it by 2 (whole number), I get \(\frac{2}{4}\), or \(\frac{1}{2}\), which is bigger than \(\frac{1}{4}\). since it is a tuple, it is necessary to select the print(k[0]) option in order to print the first and only element. A. store the spelling words in long-term memory C. creative problem solving Which of the following statements best describes ego resilience? C. =(A1:A4) D. there were no differences between children who designed the experiments on their own and those who received instruction with respect to experimental testing competency, By the end of middle childhood, the capacity of long-term memory is _____. A. graduation exam If I take 6, and I multiply it by 4, I get 24, which is bigger than 6. 1/12 In what stage of perspective-taking are children most egocentric? You will be prompted to choose how many rows to insert. 1 unit = 2 5/8 gallons How many bows can be made with 5 yards of ribbon? Answer: A program that easily can hide and allow someone to take full control of your computer from a remote location. A. knowledge base 5 1/2. T/F: According to Piaget, a child between the ages of 6 and 11 can apply logical principles to concrete situations (real, tangible, visible). B. decentration a. A. Approximately what percent of the world's 7-year-olds are in school? Write an equation, and draw a tape diagram. What happens when you click a table move handle? The code that follows the except statement will be executed if the code in the try clause runs into an error. Expected output: 10. C. set of specific standards by subject and grade level T/F: Everywhere in the world, children are taught to read, write, and do arithmetic. A(n) ______ is a box formed by the insertion of a column or a row. 5 2 = 51/2. (Select two answers). 14. A. preoperational thought T/F: The process of switching codes is limited to sentence and grammar usage. B. high-level businesses Pressing [Enter] moves the insertion point to the next cell in the row. 22. How do you center the text vertically in each table cell? Record your answer in hours and minutes. Purchased $48,000 of merchandise from Atlas Co. on account, terms 1/10, n/30. D. reading, According to Piaget, which ability do children gain during middle childhood? D. personal motivation and belief, Carlos attends a school where the teachers often work longer hours, and where students come from a wide geographical area. Select six photos in Chapter 5 and identify the styles use in each garment. T/F: The ability to understand and use metaphors results from a level of cognitive development that is typically attained during middle childhood. 3. Children were first allowed to design the experiments on their own to determine if they spontaneously used metacognition. A. early exposure to words c. Produce where total revenue exceeds total cost by the greatest amount. 8/10 of 60 min = 48 min 2 1/9 C. where you saw the term working memory in the text Answer: C. grammar e. Jills mom used \(\frac{1}{4}\) of a gallon of honey to bake 3 loaves of bread. the products are carried out first: 0 + 6 + 3. the addition is performed, and the result is 9. the print function shows 9 in the console. T/F: According to Vygotsky, a teacher can be an instructor to a 6-year-old child. C. phrases D. contrary to, Which information is most likely to be in your current working memory? Explanation: d. the pointer changes to the Move pointer. d. Select the table and click the Center button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab. a. f. Jills mom stored some of the honey in a container that held \(\frac{3}{4}\) of a gallon. Resources to help you prepare for the Module 4 End of Module Assessment. Click the Select button in the Table group, click Select Table, the click the Align Center Left button in the Alignment group. B. reciprocity D. social standards, During middle childhood, children understand all of these aspects of language EXCEPT _____. c. table 1/10 of 60 min = 6 min He attends a public school. He gave the following examples: Jacksons reasoning is incorrect. a. C5 b. arrow 19/12 Here, Each Knight will spend 288 minutes on guard duty in one day. 9 + 24/40 d. alignment, What formula would you use to calculate the total of the values in cells A1 through A4? B. process the information 2. the print function shows 4 on the console. b. descending Identify significant individuals in the field of government and politics, including Franklin D. Roosevelt. T/F: The PIRLS is the main international test of reading given to students. D. 55, The Common Core is a(n) _____ that was developed with backing from all 50 states in response to doubts about state-level assessments. B. _______ gal ______ qt _______pt Required fields are marked *. According to current research, one factor that may be contributing to Alice's language learning difficulty is her lack of _____. Adapting designs. November 4, 2022 Select on row and click Insert Above or Insert Below button. = 0.48, Explanation: d. Center, Use the ___ dialog box to organize the rows of a table in alphabetical or sequential order based on the data in one or more columns. All of his school subjects are taught in Spanish. Explanation: 3/4 19/9 gallons Answer: 25 15. What is the output of the following code? On the blank, write a division expression that matches the situation. The keyboard shortcut for pasting text is CTRL+ ____________ or COMMAND+ _________________. 1 / 20. \(\frac{1}{20}\), Explanation: C. spatial orientation b. the column automatically resizes to fit the text. In adolescence, as a preference for one's own group intensifies, the likelihood of prejudice ___. T/F: Metacognition is thinking about thinking. the column automatically resizes to fit the text, The cell in fifth row of the third column is cell ____. B. long-term memory Freeware has no copyright restrictions. 3/4 of 2 1/9 gallons C. sensory memory D. short-term memory, Sensory memory improves until about age _____ and then remains adequate until late adulthood. D. there is no relation between achievement and the national economy, The logical principle that allows objects to be grouped according to some characteristic that they share is called _____. Which of the following best describes a rootkit? (C) Athens By solving the given expression the answer we get is 4. c. function Multiply or divide. Professor Schuyler believes that people's brains work very much like a computer in terms of input, processing, and output. \hline \text{Income Before Income Taxes}&11,534&11,757\\ B. transitive inference d. Could either of the problems also be solved by using \(\frac{1}{2}\) 5? T/F: More than 95 percent of the world's 7-year-olds are in school. 2 gal 2 qt 1 pt, b. D. education, Mechanisms that combine memory, processing speed, and knowledge to regulate the analysis and flow of information within the information-processing system are referred to as _____. A. storage a. B. gradually acquire math knowledge and strategies How do you insert multiple rows at the same time? c. the insertion point moves to the end of the cell. __________________ software is an application that enables users to enter typed text or handwritten comments on a page. (A) Moscow A. everything you see on this page Answer: Jill collected honey from 9 different beehives and recorded the amount collected, in gallons, from each hive in the line plot shown: a. What code would you insert instead of the comment to obtain the expected output? Question 4. T/F: To retain information in working memory, individuals must merely be exposed to the information. and more. C. computers a. alphabetical end of module 4 test quizlethow to win carlist spain hoi4. a. gridlines Columns and rows in a spreadsheets collectively are called a(n) ___________________. On a separate sheet of paper, explain the following term by using it correctly in a sentence. d. Import Text, Pressing ______ moves the insertion point to the near cell in the row or to the first cell in the next row. B. b. formatted 12 / 3 the for loop is exited and the print function shows two on the console. Sarah divorced three years ago and has custody of her preadolescent children (one boy and one girl). 3/8 gallon = 3/8 1 gallon T/F T/F: The knowledge that things can be arranged in a logical order is the logical principle of seriation. b. b. guidelines A. merely be exposed to the information (12 3/4) + ( 8/10 3/4) C. neighborhood and ethnicity D. The 9-year-old can use mental categories more flexibly, inductively, and simultaneously, whereas the 4-year-old is unable to do so. but when she needs a classmate to repeat himself, she says, "Huh?" a. C. bilingual schooling Explain your thinking. a. c. 5C Question 1. D. individual discovery, A child's achievement seems more influenced by _____ in the United States than in other nations. d. Jill used \(\frac{3}{4}\) of a jar of honey for baking. B. the answer to this question Center Table 288 minutes. a. Answer: = 6 cups b. ), B. = 10 + 3 1/8 gallons a. scroll _______ It takes half of a yard of ribbon to make a bow. Cheng, with the consent of Webster, sells one-third of her interest to Michael Cross. Answer: the print function will try to divide the value by itself. 1 7/12 gallons

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end of module 4 test quizlet