descendants of susannah north martin

During the first 23 years of her marriage, Susannah's name appears twice in public records. Along with others accused, she was stripped naked and her body searched for the incriminating witchs teat. This court-appointed deputation found her body free of abnormal excrescences, but observed her breasts "In the morning search appeared to us very full, the nipples fresh and starting, now at this searching all lank and pendant," implying she had fed her familiar[17] between searches. June 19 1692 - Salem, Ma Hanged as a witch. Susannah (North) Martin was born in England about 1621, the daughter of Richard and Joan (Bartram) North. Ancestror of Chester A. Arthur, 21st President of the United States. Susannah North was baptized at Olney, Buckinghamshire, England, September 30, 1621. Leave a message for others who see this profile. Charges were dropped against Thomas Sargent; William Sargent, Jr.. wasfound guilty of accusing Susannah of " fornication and infanticide" and George was awarded (in what appears to be a public insult) the amount of "a white wampam peague (colonial currency) or the eighth part ofa penny damage" by the magistrates.,,,,, Susannah Martin, Accused Witch from Salisbury, Birth of Susannah (North) Martin, Salem Witch Trials, Baptism of Susannah (North) Martin, Salem Witch Trials, "Susannah North", "Salem Witch Trial", "Accused Witch", "Susanna North", Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States, George Martin, married 11 March 1646 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts, William Brown testified that his wife Elizabeth had been driven insane by Susanna some thirty years earlier. More Salem Witch Trials Descendants. I cannot tell. Inmates were infested with fleas as well as lice that often carried deadly jail fever or typhus. When she was asked what ailed the girls, Susanna said: "I do not desire to spend my judgm't upon it." Family lore has this family originating in Alsace-Lorraine but records indicate they came from Bavaria. 145, 268, "She had been successfully defended against earlier accusations of witchcraft in 1660 and 1669 by her husband, but his death [in 1686] made her vulnerable to renewed accusations in 1692. Menu. In 1647 or 48 she was fined 20 shillings for an unnamed offense and in 1667 her husband George objected to her seat placement in the meeting house. N. Martin Rd. ""No, not a bit for that." Although George and Susannah were frequently involved with the Essex County Court as early as 1647, these more significant cases likely relate to later witchcraft persecution: A short and active woman, wearing a hood and scarf, plump and well developed in her figure, of remarkable personal neatness, Upham further describes her as speaking her mind freely with strength of expression and more wit than her neighbors.[12] The Reverend Dr. Cotton Mather, however, cursed her as one of the most impudent, scurrilous, wicked creatures of this world.[13]. I have spake nothing else, I would do them any good. [23] The second popular alternative is that the families removed the bodies at night and buried them in secret locations. To John Allen Barnard Peache Joseph Ringg William Browne Jarvis Ringg. 1 Page 71 ), Jurat in Curia (On reverse side of paper) The Depotion of Sam: Parris &c ag'st. The boulder which marked their homestead has been moved to make room for a highway, and it can be found on the map where the highway crosses Martin Road. : Magistrate: "Do you think they are bewitched?" SUSANNA NORTH MARTIN Birth: c. Sep. 30, 1621 Olney, Buckinghamshire, England Death: Jul. The mental anguish and suffering of the two and a half months while she lay in Salem jail is beyond our power of description. 1 Page 69 ), Elizabeth Clark ownid this har testimo to be the truth: on the oath which she had taken be fore: the Jury for Inquest: this 29. of June 1692, ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. Her neighbors were practically standing in line to offer testimony against her: Susanna Martin was subjected to the indignity of a physical examination on 2 June 1692. 1. Susannah North Martin Birth c.30 Sep 1621 Olney, Milton Keynes Borough, Buckinghamshire, England Death 19 Jul 1692 (aged 70) Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Memorial Site* Salem Witch Trials Memorial Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Show Map * A structure erected in honor of someone whose remains lie elsewhere. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lone Tree Hill, a famous historical site, bore a tablet on its westerly side marking the site of George and Susannah's home. A false tongue will never make a guilty person. It may be the Devil bears me more malice than an other. : Magistrate: "How comes your appearance to hurt these?" Susanna is 15 degrees from Lance Reddick, 19 degrees from Bruno Cremer, 19 degrees from Angie Dickinson, 13 degrees from Don Knotts, 22 degrees from Jimmy Little, 28 degrees from Helen Mirren, 27 degrees from Pat Morita, 17 degrees from Leslie Nielsen, 14 degrees from Kyra Sedgwick, 16 degrees from Tom Selleck, 16 degrees from Efrem Zimbalist and 15 degrees from David Draper on our single family tree. Mary was a daughter of John, son of George and Susanna (North) Martin. The latest installment of the series is called Descendants 3.As promised by early teasers, the August 2019 entry will introduce . Later in 1669, Susannah lost on a charge by Christopher Bartlett that she called him a liar and a thief. In 1646, at the age of 25, she married widower George Martin and they lived west of the Powow River. Interesting. Abig: Williams saith it is Goody Martin she hath hurt me often. : Martin: "I dare not tell a lie if it would save my life." Susannah showed her contempt by laughIng loudly. I do not think that you have such affections for these whom just now you insinuated had the Devil for their Master. 0 .. . Susanna (North) Martin (executed as a witch), did she have 2 sons named William? [8] References[ change | change source] "Susannah Martin: Accused Witch from Salisbury". The fourth daughter and youngest child of Richard North and Joan Bartram, Susannah North was baptized on 30 September 1621 in Olney, Buckinghamshire, England. was warned before by me, This or these supenys weare observed & served upon the severall persons therein mentioned according to ye tenour thereof namly upon Mr John Allin: & Barnard Peach & Joseph Ring & william Browne & Jarviss Ring & Mary the wife of Nathaniell Whitiher: & the same read to them the twenty ninth of this Instant June Ann[obar ]: 1692, p me *Joseph Eaton Constable for sallisbury. Susanna was baptized in Olney, Buckinghamshire, England September 30, 1621. 92. dated in Salem June 27th. At the same time, George Martin sued William Sargent, Jr. for slander for saying that "said Martyn's wife had a child at Capt. A preliminary examination following her arrrest on 1 May was noteworthy for the vigor of her answers and for the lack of respect she showed for the presiding magistrates. ": Martin: "I can't tell, it may be the Devil bears me more malice thanany other. Part of her examination must be given to know her keen wit and readiness for repartee. William was born and died on the same day, 11 Oct 1662. h Green Martin, (2J), Richard Martin, Samuel Martin, George Martin, John Martin, Christopher Martin, Esther Martin, Jane Martin, Abigail Circa 1620 - Olney, Buckinghamshire , England, July 19 1692 - Salem Village [present Danvers], Essex County, Massachusetts, Mary Wensley, Sarah Oldham, Hepzibah North, Sarah Oldham, Hepzibah North, Richard Martin, Samuel Martin, George Martin, Jr., John Martin, Esther Jameson, Jane Hadley, Abigail Hadlock, William Martin, Martyn, George Martin, John Martin, Esther Martin, Jane Hadley (born Martin), # Abigail Hadlock (born Martin), William Martin, Samuel Martin, Sep 30 1621 - Olney, Milton Keynes Borough, Buckinghamshire, England, July 19 1692 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Between 1620 and 1622 - Olney, Buckinghamshire , England, Mary Wensley, Sarah Oldham, Hepzibah North. While she was still young her mother died and she cameto America with her father, stepmother, and at least one sister. asked the Magistrate. artin, George Martin, John Martin, Of Amesbury, Christopher Martin, Jane Martin, Jane Martin, Abigail Martin, William Martin, William Mar Sep 30 1621 - Olney, Northamptonshire, England, Mary North, Martyn North, Hester North, Sarah North, John North, John North, Hepzibah North. ut the life, and ultimately death, of Susannah North Martin and the kidnapping, immigration, and injustice served to William Durkee elsewhere under the Gen Tales banner. And then sett out the 3d time in Lik manner and was be wildered and came back but not so far as before: but knew whear he was and so sett himself in his way as before: and in Less then half a mile going he saw a Light stand on his Left hand about too rod out of the way: it semd to be about the bignes of a half bushell but this deponent Kept on his way & Left it: and in a matter of seven or eight rod going it appeared againe at the Lik distance from him as before: & so it did againe the 3d time: but the deponet past on his way: and in Less then twenty rod going the same or such another Light Lay in his way: and he having a stik in his hand did with the end of it indevered to stir it out of the plac and to give it som smale blows with it: and the Light seemd to brust up & wave from side to side as a turky cock when he sprads his tayle but went not out of the plac which [pbar ]ceiving this deponent Layd it on with his stik with all his might he thinks he gave her at Lest forty blows: and so was going away and Leave it: but as he was going his heals wear struk up & he Layd on his bak on the ground & was sliding into a deep plac (as to him seemd) but taking hold of som brush or bushes & so recoverd himself: & having Lost his coat which he had upon his Arme went bak to the Light saw his coate & took it up & went home without any more disturbanc ther: he farther say that he do not know any such pitt to be in the place that he was sliding into he also sayth that when he did strik at the Light he did certainly feel a substanc w'th his stik, he farther sayth that after his striking it & his recovering himself and going on his way as afores'd when he had gon about: 5: or:6: rod he saw Susana martine then wif of Georg martin of Amsbury standing on his Left hand as the Lights had don ther shee stood & Lookt upon him & turned her face after him as went along but sayd nothing nor did nothing to this deponent but that he went home as afors'd only he againe over went his owne house but knowing the ground he was upon returned and found his owne house but being then seazed with fear coold not speake till his wif spake to him at the dore & was in such condision that his family was afrayd of him which story being caryd to the Towne the next day: it was upon enquirey understood (that the s'd good wif martin was in such a miseribl case and in such payn that thay swabbed her body (as was reported) This deponant farther sayth that these things being noysed abroad maj'r Pike sent for this deponent and had an accompt of the case: but seemd to be troubled that this deponent had not told him of it in season that shee might have ben vewed to have seen w't her ayle was. John Indian fell into a fit, & cryed it was that woman, she bites, she bites. I have spoken nothing else. ": Martin: "I cannot tell. WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. She laughed when the "afflicted girls" went into a fit and when asked why she did so, she responded, "Well I may at such folly." It centers on the adventures of the children of several classic Disney villains, but perhaps most prominently Mal, the daughter of Sleeping Beauty baddie Maleficent.. James freeze or at any other time heard Susanna Martin Threaten relating to John Allens Oxen or any other thing whatsoever & make return as above, 28. George Martin-Susanna North, Marriage, Family, Genealogy, 11 August 1646, Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts Notes for George Martin and Susanna North 1621 Susan North, daughter of Richard North was baptized laste of September [1621] in Olney, Buckinghamshire, England. Genealogy chart showing how Chester Arthur (21st U.S. President) is the 5th Great-grandson to Susannah (North) Martin (Executed for Witchcraft, Salem 1692) via their common ancestor of Susannah (North) Martin. About Me. Greene, David L. "Salem Witches III: Susanna Martin,", Greene, David L. "George Martin Of Ipswich,", Pulsifer, S. F. N. (1967). : Martin: "I've never hurt man, woman nor child". Asist, ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. By the time of the infamous 1692 witchcraft trials in Salem, George Martin had died and Susannah was impoverished. is her trial in the Salem witchcraft trials. The boulder which marked their homestead has been moved to make room for a highway, and it can be found on the map where the highway crosses Martin Road. She had several descendants in high places: her fifth great-grandson, Chester A. Arthur, served as the 21st U.S. president, and her eighth great-grandson served as the 46th vice president Dick . What did you do? She was accused of witchcraft as early as 1660 or 1661, by Elizabeth Browne of Salem, although no record of proceedings on Elizabeth's charges against Susanna has been found. Would love some help. Traditional Dress Put your face in a costume from Susanna's homelands. Then you will not speak the truth will you? U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Operations, Inc. Find A Grave 1,60525::0 . 1653 Jane, 2 Nov. 1656 Abigail, 10 Sep. 1659 William, b. Susannah pleaded not guilty, but in the end she was found guilty and condemned to death. And then said Martin was biting her lips. Half sister of Ursula North and Sarah North. 150 for about a quarter mile, then go left on Rte. : Magistrate: "What ails these people? John Indian said he never saw her Mercy Lewes pointed at her & fell into a fit. I do not desire to spend my judgm't upon it. She married George Martin, a blacksmith, August 11, 1646 at Salisbury, MA and had eight children. Image:North-25-6.jpg|250px It was published in the Era and consisted of what was later to be Parts II-V of MabelMartin. Is this folly? Spouse: Mary WEED. Reverend John Hale, minister of Beverly Church, stated that Susanna was one of those who "had been suspected by their Neighbours several years, because after quarrelling with their Neighbours, evils had befallen those Neighbours". Sus: Sheldon also accused her of afflicting her. She's also one of mine, and if there is a volunteer to re-work her, they should be encouraged to do so! Martin Street where the marker sits, it's likely that a friendly neighbor will come out to greet you. Cotton Mather commented that Susanna "was one of the most Impudent, Scurrilous, wicked creatures in the world; and she did now throughout her whole Trial discover herself to be such an one. In 1700, Joseph Calef recounted a gruesome eye-witness account of the burial of George Burroughs and other victims, when he was cut down, he was dragged by the Halter to a Hole, or Grave, between the Rocks, about two Foot deeptogether with Willard and Carryer, one of his Hands and his Chin, and a Foot of one of them left uncovered.[22] This burial, however, seems discounted by recent research, which shows the shallow soil lacking indications of human remains. Such examinations were intended to discover whether the accused had any physical abnormalities, especially anything that could be used to suckle a familiar or even the devil himself. Amen Amen A false tongue will never make a guilty person. Susannah (North) Martin (1621 - 1692) was executed for witchcraft during the Salem witch trials. 1 Page 71 ), mark Eliz: Hubbards (On reverse side of paper) Eliz. A Martyr of Superstition. Accused as a witch, tried and executed at Salem, July 19, 1692. She married George Martin on 11 August 1646 at Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. 092) Susannah Martin,,,,,,,,,,, Susannah Martin, Accused Witch from Salisbury,, The New England Historical & Genealogical Register. : Mercy Lewes cried out, "She hath hurt me a great many times, and plucks me down". Susanna was not among those whose attainder was lifted. I look forward to the improvements of the collaborative process. He died on 6 OCT 1693 at Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. I know who swore her life away; and as God lives, I'd not condemn an Indian dog on word of them." #[Edward Putnam] ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. Mother of Richard Martin; Samuel Martin, died young; George Martin Jr.; John Martin, of Amesbury; Esther Jameson and 3 others; Jane Hadley; Abigail Hadlock and William Martin less The court sided against Susannah and George. In 1857 John Greenleaf Whittier wrote an early version of Mabel Martin called The Witchs Daughter. George and Susannah are my 8 great grandparents. Joseph Ring, aged 27, deposed that he had seen several "mery meettings" with "most dreadfull shapes noyses & scretching" and that among those present was Susanna Martin. 1625. Includes citations for all sources. "Let them think w't they will.". The examinations were intended to discover whether the accused had any physical abnormalities, especially anything that could be used to suckle a familiar or even the devil himself. Have not you compassion on these afflicted --, They cryed out there was the black man along with her, & Goody Bibber confirmed it, Abig: Williams went towards her, but could not come near her. Yet when she was asked what she had to say for herself, her chief plea was that she had led a most virtuous and holy life." It's Goin' Down Movie Sing-Along. Susan: Martin ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. She died in 1644 at Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Mary Pressy testifieth to all the above Except Susanna her threatning of the not raising above two Cowes. 150 can be accessed from Interstate 495. Mary Walcot saith this woman hath hurt me a great many times. . Anthony immigrated to America in 1630 with the Winthrop Fleet. Ann Putman threw her Glove in a fit at her. On Halloween in 2001, Susannah Martin and four other women from the Salem witch trials were officially exonerated by the State Of Massachusetts. 1:22, 4:12; Essex Hist. Together they had the following children: She died on July 19, 1692 in Salem Village [present Danvers], Essex County, Massachusetts from hanged in Salem Witch Trials and was buried in July 1692 in Burying Point Cemetery, Cenotaph, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States. Though Susannah brought five further appeals, each was decided against her. Image:North-25-7.jpg|250px Abigail Williamssaid, "It is Goody Martin, she hath hurt me often!" Rachel also had a famous fourth great-grandson, Millard Fillmore, elected as president of the United States. She was subjected to further examination by the obviously biased judges. She married George Martin on 11 August 1646 at Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. The records of Susannah's first trial for witchcraft have not survived, but as she was around for another 23 years, we may assume that she was acquitted. divers other Dayes and Times as well before as after certaine Detestable arts, called witchcrafts & Sorceries wickedly and feloniously hath used Practised & Exercised at and within the Townership of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and ag't one Mary Wallcott of Salem Village Single woman, by which Said wicked arts the s'd. History of Massachusetts. Lyric Video: Audrey's Christmas Rewind. 1 Page 68 ), The next day shee being Let out & went away w'th the other catle (well & Lusty as far as wee coold desern) but came home at evening very ill having [Atter] under her eyes as bigg as wallnutts & dyed the same night, sworne at Salsbury the 20th day of may Ano 1692, Left John Allin made oathe to the truth of all that is above written Jun the 7th 1692, Jurat in Curia (On reverse side of paper) Jno. asked the Magistrate. Her mother died when she was a child, and her stepmother was named Ursula. Other replies show that she was aware of the seriousness of her situation and that she denied guilt fervently. I'm looking for George and Susannah's parentage in England. Kimball, (Child) Kimball, Henry Kimball, Hester North, Abigail Ursula Severance (born Kimball), Ursula Kimball, Unknown Mary, Hepzibah Ga July 19 1692 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States, Richard Cusack North, Joan North (born Bartram), John North, Martin North, Mary North, Hester North. ", Hannah Wathen (born Martin), Richard James Martin, Samuel Martin, George Martin, John Martin, Christopher Martin, Esther Martin, Richard North, Johane Joan North (born Bartram). If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA. What have you done towards the hurt of these? In Descendants 2, Chad is shown a lot playing with the 3D printer in Carlos's room. She was born to Richard North and Joan Bartram North and baptized in Olney, Buckinghamshire, England on September 30, 1621. : Again the Magistrate demanded, "What is the reason these cannot comenear you? Susannah (Susanna) Martin formerly North Born about 30 Sep 1621 in Olney, Buckinghamshire, England Ancestors Daughter of Richard North and Johane (Bartram) North Sister of Sarah (North) Oldham, Martin North, Mary (North) Jones, John North, Martyn North [half], Hester North, Sarah (North) Oldham and John North Just so any of the many descendants of Susannah North Martin, a convicted and executed victim of the Salem Witch Trials are aware, the portion of Interstate 495 in Amesbury is now designated the Susannah North Martin Highway. On June 26, 1692 her trial began. The inscription on the marker reads: "Here stood the house of Susannah Martin. Orlando Bagly, Constable of Amesbury, arrested her 30 Apr 1692 and returned the warrant executed 2 May 1692. Joseph knight ownid this his tistimony to be the truth: on his oath. [19], "The court met again on Wednesday, the 29th of June; and, after trial, sentenced to death Sarah Good, Sarah Wildes, Elizabeth How, Susannah Martin, and Rebecca Nurse, who were on executed on the 19th of July."[20][21]. : Several others cried out upon her, and the Magistrate again addressed her, saying, "What do you say to this?" Severall of the afflicted cryed out they [saw] her upon the beam. 1:144; Putnam's Mag. At least nine of her neighbors had made the trip to Salem to relate the damage she had done them over the years, from drowning their oxen to flinging cats through second-story windows to gnaw at their throats. )Those by Susannah North are: Richard, 29 June 1647 George, 21 Oct. 1648 John, 26 Jan. 1650/51 Esther, 7 Apr. The hurt of these persons. Dated Salem Aprile 30th 1692, (Reverse) according this warrant I have apprehended susanna Martin widdow of Amsbery and have brought or caused hir to be brought to the place appointed for his examination, [pbar ] me *Orlando Bagly: Constable of Amsbery, ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. On August 11, 1646 at Salisbury, Susannah married the widower George Martin, a blacksmith with whom she had eight children, including daughter Jane, the great-great-great-great grandmother of Chester A. Arthur.The farthest descendant recorded is Juliet Vaughn (11th generation) In . I cannot tell it may be the Devil bears me more malice than an other. Children of George Martin and Susannah North (Salisbury, Massachusetts Bay), Her Remarkable Neatness, "She scorned to have a drabbled tail. ", The bodies were thrust into a shallow grave in a crevice of felsite. I dare not tell a lye if it would save my life. The inscription on the marker reads: "Here stood the house of Susannah Martin. Her parents were Richard North, of Salisbury and Joan North. This update revises the version with excessive copy and pastes. . 0..00000.00.0. Eliz: Hubbard said she hath not been hurt by her. What is the reason these cannot come near you? It can also be found and may be easier to read at this link:, The Salem witchcraft papers, Volume 2 : verbatim transcipts of the legal documents of the Salem witchcraft outbreak of 1692 / edited and with an introduction and index by Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum / revised, corrected, and augmented by Benjamin C. Ray and Tara S. Wood, Susannah Martin Executed July 19, 1692 (See also: George Burroughs -- Complaint; Bridget Bishop -- Physical Examination; Sarah Good -- Death Warrant. Executed for Witchcraft, Salem 1692. I do not think you have such affections for them, whom just now you insinuated had the Devill for their Master. I have a great number of leads but cannot positively confirm them. What's My Name Movie Sing-Along. James Freeze John Kimball John Pressy Ensigne Joseph Knight Mr John Atkison & his wife & Son & mary the wif of nathaniell whitteer the wife John pressy & Jon Kembal Greeting --, We Command you and Every of you all Excuses Set apart to be and appear at the Speciall Court of Oyer & Terminer holden at Salem the 28th of this Instant month then & there to testify the truth to the best of their knowledge On Severall Indictments to be Exhibited against Susanna Martin of Amesberry hereof make Return fail not. Randal -- I am also a descendant, used to live in eastern Massachusetts, and have a long relationship with Salem, Danvers, and nearby towns like Amesbury, which is where Susannah and George Martin lived. Susannah Martin of Amesbury was a widow standing by herself but quite capable of doing so. George and Susannah are my ninth great-grandparents. Courtesy photo Matt Petry covers. This Deponant doe testifie & saye that on the 20th Daye of October or thereabouts in the yere of o'r Lord 1686 Nathan'll Clarke Junj'r : of Newbery together with this Deponant going out into the woods together to fetch up horses there met with Susana Martaine of Amsbury with a litle Dog Runing by hir syde & in my sight shee tooke up s'd Dog under her arme but comeing up neere to hir she had a Kegg or a halfe feirkin under the same arme; this Deponant then lookt hir in the face & told hir that that kegg was a litle Dogg but nowe Nath'el. Amen, Amen. and Lady William & Mary King & Queen of England there Crowne and Dignity. 1 Page 70 ), *Thomas putnam. But she kept her sharp tongue even at the end of the examination: "Do you not see how God evidently discovers you?" Memorial ID And sure enough, one month later that very cow lay dead in the yard, though careful examination revealed no reason. I do not desire to spend my judgment upon it, My thoughts are mine own when they are in, but when they are out they are an others. Severall of the afflicted cryed out they saw her upon the Beam. In the transcribed Old Norfolk County records, (, And I see this issue has been raised before. An honest, hardworking, Christian woman. Susannah was indicted - not directly because of her lack of respect for authority, but it can hardly have prejudiced the magistrates in her favor. In 1671, George, Susannah, and her sister. On April 30, 1692, Jonathan Walcot and Thomas Putnam made a complaint of witchcraft against George Burroughs and four others, including Susannah Martin, for afflicting Mary Walcot, Marcy Lewis, Abigail Williams, Ann Putnam, Elizabeth Hubert and Susanah Sheldon. Salem Witchcraft: Frederick Ungar Publishing, New York 1v.1 p. 427, v.2 pp. What was that the black man whisperd to you? Ancestor charts showing the family relationships of Susannah (North) Martin (c1622-1692) to other famous people. 1643/4.,, Salem Witch Trials Memorial, Salem, Massachusetts. Did not you give your consent? Mercy Lewes cryed out she hath hurt me a great many times, & pulls me down. In 1669 Susannah was required to post 100 bond to appear in court ona charge of witchcraft, a capital offense. : Martin: "I have done nothing." This time when she was accused, she was found guilty, and was hanged on 19 July 1692 at Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts. Have you taken a DNA test? Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Martin ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. Directed by Margaret Brown, the film premiered in the U.S. ", Memorial by John Greenleaf Whittier, a Descendant, Susannah Martin House Marker, Amesbury, Massachusetts, Flyer for a book about the Witchcraft Trials,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Salem Witchcraft Papers (SWP No.

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descendants of susannah north martin