i visited a parallel universe

I went to bed at a reasonable time of about 10:30pm and figured I would wake up at 8am or so the next morning and go to work at the preschool like I always do. I didnt know how it worked, but I suddenly felt like there actually was the hope of returning home. We could also all interact with each other and heal each other/ourselves in all of our timelines. Dimension Jumping: How To Travel Between Parallel Universes It's been said before: if you change your beliefs, you change your world. This was such a strange, new and exciting land! I figured the closer we were to Washington DC, the sooner his government or supervisors would find out that something was going amiss with my visit here. The boy furthest in the back said, North and the boy closest to me said Anaheim and then the state name. A conversation I once had with the theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg illustrates this. On the roof I could look out and see the rest of the city I had been in this whole time. I said to her, Oh, you must be me as an older person. I hesitated a bit with my words just before I said older person, because I almost said old lady, but then I didnt want to be rude. The correct date it was supposed to be. Gold Light FX. There were no gritty little details like, How many UFOs does our government have? in Nicolas timeline. Step 2: push the seed into the soil and think of your ideal/perfect person. I tried to clarify and put together what the boys had told me so I repeated, Anaheim, North Carolina? They said, No, no. Background Glyph Designed By Allison Gee On my right was an older woman leaning against a column on the wall, just observing everything that was happening in the room. BridgET (as she is on her website to bridge our world with ET) claimed that there is a benevolent human-alien hybrid children program. The sense in the room I felt was that she was too young to die, but she was dying and they were trying to save her. I said, What timelines? Although I had recently finished reading Barbara Lambs Alien Experiences book, I did not rightly care by this point whether or not aliens were going to take me away in the night. I peeled back the sealed lid. I wanted to know what hospital I was in so I was looking for the title of the hospital or facility on this sign. It only took an instance, no longer than a few seconds of real time, but it was like our brains had a conversation for a moment. There were no people around us in the immediate area where we had just appeared, but there was a lot of people and activity going on farther off on the roof. I sat up in bed and the lights came on. Nicolas said with his words, Youre going to be fine. I didnt know how smart the monkey was, but I tried to lighten things up a bit by joking with the monkey. [+] It's an incredible notion: that there's a Universe out there for every outcome that . I never do such a thing, especially when Im tired and thought it was very weird. There is a portal from our universe to at least one other parallel . I thought something about aliens, but this place seemed too normal for that kind of thing. Corey Goode had said in one of his updates that people were unknowingly being used to scramble the Blue Avians message out in society and on the internet in a present and future campaign to discredit him. The movie, The Island, is very similar to what the Military Industrial Complex would do in our timeline, but they have no MIC in Nicolas timeline. They always wore regular civilian clothing, nothing that seemed out of the ordinary to me- denim or polo type shirts, sometimes checkered, with kaki pants or jeans. In a Parallel Universe, Another You As they probe the secrets of the cosmos, scientists question whether our reality is but one in a multiverse. By this thinking, the universe is a symphony of strings. I practically begged him, What did you mean by the timelines I leaked? but my body was somehow being forced into the fetal position on the floor and it was too late. I was a little annoyed because I thought I was going to be back home by now. The negatively polarized group that ensnares our consciousness on this planet also benefits more greatly by keeping us alive and under control rather than killing us or letting us know weve been taken over several hundreds of thousands of years ago. Cholla. Read An Excerpt. I also half expected to get some kind of punk attitude from these skater boys when I asked them, What city am I in? They perked up and got all smiles when they said, Anaheim. We had to speak up loudly because there was a lot of bustle and noise from the street in the area on the roof where this was. Parallel Universe (Garnet Crow album), the eighth studio album by Japanese group Garnet Crow. May Peace and Love in Light of The One Infinite Creator Be With You. No one can walk down the street and strike up a conversation about that Allison Gee lady like they could about Wilcock and Goode in Nicolas timeline. It really only started to happen to us after the year 2000. I think he meant that in both of our timelines, lots of more advanced technology started to be used in the wider culture after the year 2000. Nicolas seemed to think that the negativity left behind by the Draco/Archon/Orion group was also important for spiritual growth and awakening, even though it could have also been the reason why we didnt all jump into ascension right in 2012. Wherever I was at in this hospital, it was certainly very strange for having an extra terrestrial looking nurse. As one would expect, someone who has had this type of strange experience may want to reach out for support to see if there is anything else out there like it. It was like we were on the street in public. He said, 1980/81 to 1985.. I figured Id give it a chance and if I still didnt like it, I didnt have to watch it anymore and could dismiss it as just another piece of conspiracy mumbo jumbo. I turned to Nicolas and said in a serious tone, Hey Nicolas, I know thats not your real name. Just then there was a voice coming from my left hip pocket. Over the next month I had a very strange attitude and self esteem issue about this thing. I decided to put this written account up on the webpage for my book, New Paradigm Planet, that I wrote in 2014. These waves might hint at alternate realities ones with, say, dinosaurs or aliens right there in your living room. I held the monkey with my left arm, as you would an upright baby, while I opened the lid to a wooden box at the side of my bed with my right hand. The next thing I knew, I WOKE UP IN A HOSPITAL! Our presidents, as early as Eisenhower, were warning us about this threat within our own government and country. I tried to recall the last thing I remembered since I didnt remember getting taken to a hospital. These men did not wear any kind of uniform or lab coat. I also got the sense that the Allison Gee in Nicolas timeline was a teacher of older children than preschool. I just stumbled upon the YouTube video and listened with great interest. Did I make YouTube videos or something?. There was a low double bed up on a platform. Only organic, biological people can go through this thing. The process could be sped up for us to only 3-5 years, if only someone from the American government would let the cat out of the bag, so to speak. I put the monkey on the hospital bed as I took out a package of food from the box. These universes are all related to ours; indeed, they branch off from ours, and our universe is branched off of others. People often have a recurring dream about a place they never visited, or even heard of. THIS PAGE CONTAINS THE FULL WRITTEN ACCOUNT For a VIDEO Account about my experience CLICK HERE You cant just walk down the street and talk to someone about Corey Goode like you can about Donald Trump. 'I Woke Up In a Parallel Universe' Six months ago, the worst thing that ever happened to me was the biggest news on the internet. Although my experience seemed benevolent, the ones who took me from my native timeline also had to follow the rules of the treaty in place, good time travel etiquette, and the cosmic laws of quantum physics, so as not to interfere with free will. I told Nicolas I wasnt going to drink anything {at least not any of those gross processed tasting drinks theyd left in my room} and I didnt want to go back to sleep. I didnt want to be a robot android! I knew I needed to go over to the train and look into the first train car since that was the open car with the cloth draped over the lid. I had no idea how this was all possible. metatronhermete 5 yr. ago. I was hooked. Quantum theory is based on a radically different picture one of multiplicity. I am a preschool teacher so one thing I noticed about the buildings in this city is that it looked like someone had sprawled out a bunch of kiddie blocks. Within these parallel universes, our wars have had different outcomes than the ones we know. They were so much more advanced and obviously had technology to do this. Everything was probably free anyway because they didnt have money. The monkey really did make me feel better about this whole situation. Nicolas said to me, We dont have transhumanism here. What is going on with my sleep? Image credit: Wikimedia commons . The baby looked like me, like the baby pictures of me that I remembered seeing from my real life. The baby started to cry, but there was another Me in the room that came up to the baby and picked it up out of the basket. I understood this was actually just me in another timeline. ! I immediately got the sense that he meant I had made some kind of public videos about different timelines, it could have been positive or negative ones. Ive had some resistance to sharing this information openly, perhaps knowing that many may discount such an experience as false, but I assure you that I come to you today with honesty to share what I experienced to the best of my perspective. I didnt read the new message because I was disappointed that the old message I had clearly read was no longer there. However, in Nicolas timeline, shortly after 1952 or shortly after this famous UFO sighting event, someone from the American Government told the American people the truth about extra terrestrials and flying saucers. Subatomic particles, you see, can exist simultaneously in multiple states. Nicolas also seemed to think that ascension had to happen eventually anyway so it was inconsequential whether or not it was in 2012. Wow! Amongst the O cereal were flakes of what looked like small squares of seaweed the size of a dime. As best as I can sum it up, David Wilcocks work has to do with the physics of spirituality and Corey Goode is very instrumental at relaying how the issue of extra terrestrials fits into our human global history, what is still going on today in our society, and how this effects our every day lives. It looked like we were in this girls bedroom. Also, as a juxtaposition, in other timelines that are worse off then mine, perhaps Corey Goodes information is not available to the public at all or maybe Corey Goode, himself, is in some type of hiding. I noticed that a lot of the buildings at my vantage point were smaller than the building I was on. I know Nicolas had said, Stay here, but I didnt want to stay here. I looked down and there was a tag at Muffins left hip, about the size of half a drivers license that we have in our timeline. The sense I got from him was, Oh man! Something about her felt familiar to me and I couldnt explain why. Couldnt you get excited by that? That doesnt excite you at all? While they were talking to me, a corner of this bedroom disappeared so I could see them in the control booth. He said that more of a main purpose of Wanderers in my timeline was to raise the vibratory frequency of consciousness {which I already knew}, whereas in Nicolas timeline more of a main purpose was to alleviate ascension for everyone. He meant make ascension easier for everyone, make it easier for everyone to go, move up, and graduate 3D. Just like everything else, things in both of our timelines are the same but a little different. I actually did want to go home.. Like a hammer, it can be used to build someone a house or to murder them, but its still a hammer. Such dreams could also be incoming images from an alternate world where you are . I thought this stay was longer than usual. Would I even be allowed to know about it? There are now some scientific theories that support the idea of parallel universes beyond our own. Thus they developed large black eyes and pale skin. Maybe they had cloaking devices so the city looked more pretty and less congested. As Einstein once wrote, The distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.. I wondered if those were houses too, some kind of giant residential buildings, but this was such a foreign strange land I had no clue about. In physics, the concept of a multiverse is a key element of a leading area of study based on the theory of everything. Might we also exist in multiple states? The information I came home with from a parallel timeline also seems to be that of benevolent progression of our society and consciousness, which furthers our understanding of our quantum connection to ourselves, our other selves, ourselves in other timelines, and to all that is. You don't have to study a map of the world for very long before realizing that no place called Taured actually exists. I was a bit tired and went to bed as I normally do. I just opened my eyes, and I was back. I was still very unsure of this strange land, but I remembered what Peter had said to me on the first day of my visit. The nurse took the crying baby from the child and placed it into a metal basin, shaped like a metal bowl tilted upright at a 45 degree angle. I tried to put the computer to sleep again, but it came on again later. Were going to go to the roof. I immediately got excited. It wasnt going to be as helpful for them so they had gotten some extra tasks. After hearing Wilcock talk about the RA and the Law of One material so much, I also read this literature all the way through. Abducted may have negative connotations, but I use it in a positive way to just describe being taken because alien abduction is the closest thing I have to relate this experience to. That is what these jeans looked like. You wont say anything about it unless someone brings it up, but youll tell your co-workers and anyone else if you feel like something similar comes up in conversation and you think theyll listen. As I was hugging her, I noticed she was also a few inches taller than I am and her body was a bit more plump or womanly. I went over to the platform and found the stairs up to it. I knew this device had been disguised as my iPod so I would behave normally towards it as I carried it around in the hospital. Along with the information I provide later in this document, I did not notice anything flying around high in the sky when I looked out at the city from this vantage point. Set. Greer is precautious that although Goodes message and the mythology on Gaia TV is in alignment with his work and messages, and Goode believes he is telling the truth without a doubt, Greer thinks that Goodes experiences have been fabricated through the use of psychotronic electronic/electromagnetic weaponry technology that will later be used by the shadow elite as cosmic false flag material to promote putting weapons in space to fight the bad guys.. Nicolas said, Come over near me. He probably also knew that I was aware that our public fed news is mostly, possibly false or brainwashed propaganda from the power elite., I said, The presidential election of 2016. Michio Kaku is a professor of physics at the City University of New York and the author of The God Equation., https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/20/special-series/michio-kaku-multiverse-reality.html. Exclusive shows & extensions. This seemed to be a gender and race attempt to see what might appeal to me. One thing he also said about Corey Goode in his own timeline is, and he doesnt have to hide. This seemed to mean for me that Goodes information is available to the public through the internet, but its not open common knowledge in my native timeline. The idea of parallel Universes, as applied to Schrdinger's cat. Nicolas said to me, out loud with words and speech this time, Just stay here. I didnt exactly know what he meant by that so I looked around briefly. After hearing about Corey Goode and David Wilcock, of course I wanted to know about myself in Nicolas timeline. This seeped into everyones every day lives down to their very attitudes about how they carry themselves or see the world. He seemed to be trying to convey that our timelines follow a similar trajectory, even though they look very different. I told that intuitive voice to go take a hike until I was ready to accept what it was telling me, that Id meet some random person Id seen on YouTube talk about a crazy subject like ETs. I looked at the tag and read, in green blocky font, all capital letters, Trumps defeat before you return. In that moment I thought, Oh no, are they going to keep me here for over a month, past the presidential election?. I knew that she was aware this wasnt a dream, and she wasnt going to go home just thinking this was all a dream because it wasnt. After reading Lambs book I had been considering searching for a hypnotherapist to recall the nature behind two unusual things. Such dreams could also be incoming images from an alternate world where you are . She did not have glasses on like I usually wear in my real life. I realized that, at this hospital, I didnt need glasses to see either, even though I did wear them regularly in my real life.. Anaheim is in California, and I was like, Oh, California, not Carolina! I must have looked like such a doofus to those boys on the roof when I thought it was North Carolina. They looked yellowish, but also glassy like they were reflecting light and yellow wasnt their actual color. I knew somehow that this hospital had virtual reality technology similar to the holodeck on the Star Trek show so it was exciting for me to see what Peter and Nicolas were up to next. Were not near Washington DC, are we Nicolas? I said it very calmly and casually so the phrase, that would be bad, didnt mean eminently negative or dangerous. These drinks were all the colors of what I knew of as processed food. The colors were too bright to be natural, but were colored to correlate with flavor, maybe artificial flavor. The closest thing I know of to describe these colors are the colors of the popsicle brand, Otter Pop. And because the multiverse is unreachable, physically and philosophically, astronomers may not be able. Maybe I was just north of Anaheim or in the northern part of the city. ? I think he knew very well that I never watched the news, regularly or at all, in my native timeline. I didnt know, but I still wanted to know what city I was in. I found it interesting that to describe David Wilcock, Nicolas had said this guy was prominent, and to describe me, he said I was distinguished. Perhaps this was some kind of social designation, since I seemed to be more of a common average every day citizen in society. I said to her, Can I give you a hug? She said, Ok just a bit awkwardly as she stood up from where she was leaning on the wall to humor my request and give me a hug. This birthed the singular cosmos as we know it. There was a front door out into the hospital, and there were two back doors to other places, like an operating room. There was also a small room that seemed like it could have been a bathroom, but I never remember using it during this visit. Married someone else? It was about that similar size too, and it had a handle with a scoop shape on the end, but the scoop was upside down. I created this writing in case it helps anyone out there to enlighten their consciousness that such things are possible. In an instant, I was back in my own timeline. I vaguely had remembered expecting that something strange might occur since my computer had been acting abnormally. As the hiker approaches a mirror, he walks through it as if it were an open door, then turns back to look at where he came from before . The Germans needed the industrial might, power, and access to resources that the United States had, in order to build out their galactic infrastructure with their flying saucers. I found it strange that it was difficult for me to even judge my own age of these Mes from other timelines. In my timeline it was also about these three things though. Nicolass mind said, Theres no way that the Military Industrial Complex could have formed in my timeline, (like you know of it as in your timeline). I looked up after falling down the tunnel, and the last thing I saw was the other Allison looking over the edge of her bed. It was as if the undertone of his mental sentence was, these entities you know of as David Wilcock and Corey Goode{have these very important roles to play for humanity}.. I couldnt quite remember exactly what was going on in the next room, but somehow I knew I wanted to go in there to see how things were progressing. A few of the buildings were round, globe or dome shaped. I was about to explain to him why I didnt like the food, but just then Muffin jumped up on the bedside table. Inside this bowl was what looked like puffed O cereal. This was one of the reasons why Nicolas was so stumped when I asked him if he was going to tell me about the Presidential Election of 2016. Nicolas jumped to the more present day pressing matters of what I know of as ascension from my holistic training, David Wilcock, and Cosmic Disclosure education. I sat on the bed with Muffin, and I figured they had put this food in my room because they thought I liked it when actually I didnt. It was so weird, unlike anything I had ever experienced. I was in the hospital bed, but all around me was a landscape of a rocky brown desert, similar to Mars. These two clones escape the facility, only to find out theyre clones and in regular society, the people they were cloned from had paid a lot of money to clone themselves, get their bodies grown and eventually harvest parts, so they could be saved from a life threatening illness. The morning light was coming into the window. She was very nurturing, compassionate, and nursely like her whole being radiated, Im a healer, but she didnt look human. Which ones? They wanted to know what the color of the white candle they were about to light meant to me. Now You do too. By now I had practically forgotten about the fact that I thought I may have been abducted by aliens because we were not on a space ship. One drink was blue and had ice in it. I didnt even get to write down the telepathic message, but I knew it was all in my head. In essence, the theory of relativity delves into the cosmoss most massive phenomena: things like black holes and the birth of the universe. The information I came home with may be important for humanity and the consciousness of our timeline. He said the RA material in his timeline was more about raising consciousness, spirituality, and ascension than it was in my timeline, understandably. I went to get out of the bed, and I had the inkling that I wanted to go into the next room to see how things were coming along. These kids, the baby and the child looked at me when they noticed I was in the room. I found it interesting that Nicolas said they had brought it through because we called it a channeling but they didnt seem to call it that. It was more a figure of speech and there was no cause for alarm, but whatever it was, it wasnt regular or normal. I was so startled, not because he was a robot, but because I was scared that I was in a transhumanist land. As far as I can remember, they stopped giving me the tests and my father told me the school said I didnt pass the tests when I asked him why theyd stopped. Dolores Cannon spoke of these things in her books from people she hypnotized. I realized that the old lady me understood what I was saying when I asked for a hug, so she could speak English. The Logos of Now was akin to what the RA group describes as The Law of One in the RA and the Law of One material (available for free online). Strange scars and instances of missing time were two things on the list in Lambs book. I wanted to see if there were more of these robots in this society. Everyone knew because they already knew that ET was real. I know about the law of one through David Wilcock and its all very interesting. By this time Nicolas was done with nit picky details that didnt actually matter in the scope of humanity and ascension, and he urgently had to leave. I put the computer back to sleep and lay down again to go to sleep. I got the hopeful sense from Nicolas that if this disclosure happened in my native timeline in 2016, it could possibly not take us 10+ years to come to the same peaceful liberation that Nicolass society went through because we have the internet and lots of technology here already. This girl looked like me, but only a few inches taller, and she looked to be about 13 to 16 years old. I figured hed been sitting in the dark with that dim light on his chair, but the lights were somehow connected to my consciousness and automatically came on when I woke up this morning. Imagine that our world in the parallel universe is beaming with advanced AI and robots helping humans. He obviously understood quantum physics much better than I do. When I woke up on Thanksgiving I had a profound realization that the Orion group and the Military Industrial Complex are to the people of Earth as the white men were to the Native Americans.

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i visited a parallel universe